How to Create the Ideal Reception Area

Dec 8, 2022 | News | 0 comments

When it comes to creating an ideal reception area for your office, you have got to make it stand out. It needs to stand out for three reasons and these are the fact that it is always in good condition, that it is comfortable to wait in and that it shows who you are as a business. In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the things that you can do that will create this kind of reception, so keep reading if you would like to find out more.

Materials That Will Last

First, you need to think about the materials that you are using and whether or not they will last. When you are purchasing furniture, you need to ensure that you are checking with the provider what they have used and if they have enhanced it in any way. For example, BRAC Projects offer you the highest quality bespoke furniture on the market so that you can give your clients the absolute best. Using hard wearing materials, the furniture that you purchase will last for years to come, despite the fact that you have got people walking in and out, standing up and sitting down all day.

Comfort Is Key

When you are designing your reception area, you have got to remember that comfort is key. Sometimes you get clients that are already on edge or a little nervous about their meeting, and your reception area should aim to calm this down at least a little bit. Making them comfortable is an important step in winning their trust which is what you need if you are going to get them on board as a client. 

Make sure that the furniture you purchase looks comfortable, but also feels comfortable. Sitting on something that looks amazing does not mean that it is, so these pieces should be tested, and if they aren’t right, returned.

Show Clients Who You Are

The final thing is that your office design should show clients who you are. This could be done through your reception desk counters, the colour scheme that you use, or any of the other bespoke furniture pieces that are available to you. If you get in touch with BRAC Projects, someone will be more than happy to talk you through the options that are available to you so that you can start designing your office space. Tell the team member exactly what you are looking for to show your clients who you are as a business, and they will do everything in their power to accommodate your needs.

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see how you can go about creating the ideal reception area for your business. Remember to focus on the furniture first and let everything else come together after this, as being comfortable in a business office is one of the most important parts of the whole process. We wish you the very best of luck.

Get in touch  with us today to talk through your needs. Why not  Chat to us online, call us on  01323 870146   or send a message to Further information about our full service range can be found on our  website.